NITROGEN IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU THINK INTRODUCTION: In this article, we discuss nitrogen its important properties, and some incidents that happened in the past with people and instruments that deal with nitrogen. So, let's start: LIQUID NITROGEN INCIDENT THAT KILLED THREE TECHNICIAN OF NASA: The First space shuttle mission was named STS-1, the first orbital mission of NASA. This mission is uniquely described in this article due to the incident in which three technicians died due to inhalation of excess nitrogen of nitrogen. IMPORTANCE OF NITROGEN: Nitrogen is a crucial element in the periodic table due to many important properties. Nitrogen is a non-toxic & colorless gas that occupies 78% of the atmosphere. HISTORY OF NITROGEN: In the past, scientists had different opinions about this gas. For example, some scientists think it was brunt air because no combination occur in the presence of this element. Some believe it is very toxic and has no life because the environment fil...
The Extraordinary Chemistry of Group 1 Element: Chemistry is very useful in our daily lives because everything around us is a build-up of atoms and these atoms compose themselves to build things that are very useful in technology which is why understanding chemistry is very important in everything from science to technology. Group 1elements: Group 1 elements are elements that are very important in many industries and also in our daily lives. The chemistry of these elements is also unique. So, let's start: Group 1 elements include lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium. They all metals and have the following properties: 1. These all are metals. 2. They are soft and reactive. 3. They are excellent conductor of heat and electricity. 4. They react vigorously with water and have low melting and boiling points. 5. They have low density. 6. They are included in s-block elements. Group 1 Physical Properties: In physical properties of Group...