NITROGEN IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU THINK INTRODUCTION: In this article, we discuss nitrogen its important properties, and some incidents that happened in the past with people and instruments that deal with nitrogen. So, let's start: LIQUID NITROGEN INCIDENT THAT KILLED THREE TECHNICIAN OF NASA: The First space shuttle mission was named STS-1, the first orbital mission of NASA. This mission is uniquely described in this article due to the incident in which three technicians died due to inhalation of excess nitrogen of nitrogen. IMPORTANCE OF NITROGEN: Nitrogen is a crucial element in the periodic table due to many important properties. Nitrogen is a non-toxic & colorless gas that occupies 78% of the atmosphere. HISTORY OF NITROGEN: In the past, scientists had different opinions about this gas. For example, some scientists think it was brunt air because no combination occur in the presence of this element. Some believe it is very toxic and has no life because the environment fil...
OPTICS: WARS BETWEEN SCIENTISTS Introduction: Humans are always curious about this nature. That is why they study this universe in great depth. That is why in history we have seen many scientific and technological wars around the world between scientists and nations. Old theories about Vision and Sight: One of the most important wars is about light. Light is always in great discussion. In old times many humans thought about sight and for this explanation, there are two theories. Emission theory: The first theory was emission theory, which said that animals had light sources in their eyes and that is why they saw objects and the world around them. I know now we know that this theory is not true but at that time it has many proofs. Let's discuss one of them: The evidence of this theory is that many animal's eyes shine in darkness. Modern science prove this thing but at that time it was the most accepted theory that proved this. Intromission Theory: The second theory is intromissi...