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    NITROGEN IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU THINK INTRODUCTION: In this article, we discuss nitrogen its important properties, and some incidents that happened in the past with people and instruments that deal with nitrogen. So, let's start: LIQUID NITROGEN INCIDENT THAT KILLED THREE TECHNICIAN OF NASA: The First space shuttle mission was named STS-1, the first orbital mission of NASA. This mission is uniquely described in this article due to the incident in which three technicians died due to inhalation of excess nitrogen of nitrogen. IMPORTANCE OF NITROGEN: Nitrogen is a crucial element in the periodic table due to many important properties. Nitrogen is a non-toxic & colorless gas that occupies 78% of the atmosphere. HISTORY OF NITROGEN: In the past, scientists had different opinions about this gas. For example, some scientists think it was brunt air because no combination occur in the presence of this element. Some believe it is very toxic and has no life because the environment fil...




     Superconductor which is a new state of matter also known as "BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATE" is an extraordinary state of matter that can change the world completely into a futuristic world.

    During that era of superconductivity, no loss of energy occurred, floating cars and artificial magnetic fields on other planets like Mars are also possible by this state of matter.

    Now computers have changed completely into new and advanced versions. These computers are faster than normal computers today. Medicine, transportation, computer technology, and much more are other industries affected by this new state of matter.

    This all happens when room-temperature superconductors are available. Nowadays, superconductors are formed only at very low temperatures close to zero kelvin. But scientists worldwide also discover high-temperature superconductors like 60 kelvin which give scientists and technologists new hope of room temperature superconductors.

    But What is a superconductor?

    Superconductors are normal matter that is cooled down under a temperature called "Critical temperature". Critical temperature is the temperature below this temperature metal behaves like a superconductor. As the name indicates superconductor, it can conduct electricity better than ordinary metals.

    It seems like a superconductor is super cool. Right!

    Before understanding superconductivity first explain the following:

    1. Conductor and how it transfers energy

    2. Difficulties occur during the working of a conductor and why does it lose energy?

    1. Conductor and how it transfers energy:

    The conductor has some extra electrons on which the nucleus binding energy is very weak. That is why it is easy to remove electrons from the outermost shell. As in the state when no heat or electricity flow occurs these loose-binding electrons move freely in the lattice.

    2. Difficulties occur during the working of a conductor and why it loses energy:

    But if we apply electricity then electron flows occur in one particular direction which is also known as flow of electricity or current. But atoms don't like to flow electricity through them. That is why it causes some resistance. Due, to this resistance large amount of energy is lost.

    Why does resistance occur?

    Resistance occurs due to the vibrational of atoms. This vibration causes a loss of energy.

    So, in conclusion, we say that the vibrational energy of the nucleus causes major losses in energy this is also known as "Resistance". Resistance is a major problem in the energy sector. However, scientists observe some strange properties of metals while examining materials for example, resistance decreases with a decrease in temperature.

    Then questions arise what happens if we cool material near the zero kelvin? Then what happened? Does resistance become zero? Kelvin the scientist who invented the Kelvin scale says that near zero kelvin resistance of materials became infinitely large.

    But in 1911 Dutch Physicist "HEIKE KAMERLINGH ONNES" studied the properties of materials at low temperatures. He concludes that material below specific temperatures called "critical temperature" behaves differently. He says that the electrical conductivity of such materials below critical temperature is the wonder of nature. He called this "SUPERCONDUCTIVITY".


    Well, we now know how and who discovered superconductors? Let's discover its some major properties:

    1. Resistance of superconductors is zero. This means that no loss of energy occurs when it flows through superconductors.

    2. A superconductor has a special type of matter that can't allow it to penetrate the magnetic field through it this effect is known as "MEISSNER EFFECT". Well, we'll discuss this later.

    3.  There is a property of superconductors that in the high magnetic field superconductors again become normal conductors. This magnetic field on which the superconductor becomes a normal conductor is called a "CRITICAL MAGNETIC FIELD".

    What is Cooper pair?

    In a superconductor electrons form a pair called a "COOPER PAIR".  This pair is at the same energy state and behaves like a boson because this cooper pair which is only generated in low-temperature is responsible for this superconductivity.

    Well, the Cooper pair which is the concept of BCS theory is not able to explain high-temperature superconductivity materials like ceramics, etc.,


    The Meissner effect is a very important property of superconductors. It is the property by which the magnetic field of a magnet can't able to penetrate this is the main reason for the levitation of the magnet on the superconductor.


    When humans discover the technology of room temperature superconductor then wonder happen in this world. Then loss less power is possible. Well, a lot of our money was lost due to this. According to Cence Power, 5-10% of electricity loss is due to transmission and distribution systems.

    Superconductor in the field of computer technology. Well, readers know about quantum computers but to use and operate with quantum computers is very expensive. Because a quantum computer consumes a lot of energy it is a power-hungry computer. Superconductors can solve this problem by losing less power transmission which makes quantum computers cost-effective.

    Superconductor in the field of transportation has a huge impact they can revolutionize the whole world of transportation with floating cars which make transport cost-effective, environment friendly, and much more.

    Superconductor in the medical field also has much importance because it is used in many medical devices for diagnosis and that is why room-temperature superconductor change the world forever. 


    A superconductor is a new state of matter which has strong potential to change the whole world completely. This technology is amazing and I hope we soon achieve a room-temperature superconductor.

    I hope you like this article You must share this article with your loved ones so that they get more informative.

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    This article is written by "NOEL GILL".


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    Once again thank you!


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