Science is boring. If you say yes. Then absolutely you do not know about the magical world of science known as the "Quantum world". Well, imaginative things happen there no one predicts this world. The word "Magic" is the real world to completely describe this world. For example, if someone says that nobody passes through the wall, then quantum tunneling comes, which is the process that makes quantum particles capable of passing through any obstacles between their paths.
But in today's article, we talk about quantum entanglement which is a very strange phenomenon of quantum mechanics. In this article, we also talk about Einstein's EPR paradox which challenges quantum physics, and how quantum physics defends itself.
Let start:
So, generally, what is quantum physics?
Quantum physics is the physics of small-scale particles within atoms and studying their behavior. These particles are also called "Quantum particles".
What strange things create differences between the quantum and classical worlds?
The quantum world is full of uncertainty which is followed by "Sir Heisenberg uncertainty" but the classical world is full of certainty in this classical world we describe everything accurately with some simple mathematical equations.
That is why Einstein felt this quantum physics very strange because Einstein thought that in this world all things are predictable and accurately measured with mathematical equations.
The quantum world is full of randomness while the classical world is not random.
In quantum physics, we can't predict the future if even we know everything about the system but in the classical world, everything is predictable.
Now we jump to our topic again entanglement.
What is quantum entanglement?
Quantum entanglement is the process by which two quantum particles entangle each other and if you know the spin of one particle then the other particle must have opposite directions.
Well, Einstein called "spooky action at the action" Einstein with two other scientists "Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen" gave an EPR paradox which says that there is some hidden variable that must present which does this instantaneous information transfer.
Well, Einstein hated this concept of quantum entanglement because it broke the main point of the special theory of relativity: nobody moves faster than the speed of light. But here information travels faster than the speed of light.
In quantum entanglement, two entangled particles must have opposite spin. In quantum physics, electrons have many kinds of spin if someone has not observed the spin of electrons then the electron is in its superposition state if someone observed the electron then the electron decides which spin it takes.
So, the question comes of how two entangled particles communicate with each other. Einstein thought that there were some hidden variables that were not discovered.
How are entanglement particles formed?
Two particles are said to be entangled if two particles are produced from the same source this type of entanglement is known as "Strong entanglement",.
Two particles are also entangled if two particles come close to each other then such entanglement is known as "Weak entanglement".
What is the Bell's theorem?
Bell's theorem asserts that if certain predictions of quantum theory are correct then our world is non-local. "Non-local" here means that there exist interactions between events that are too far apart in space and too close together in time for the events to be connected even by signals moving at the speed of light.
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