String Theory: An Amazing Theory of Physics
String theory is the theory that answers all the questions of scientists and physicists. String theory may even explain and unite relativity and quantum mechanics and give us the theory of everything which explains all the questions of this universe.
Well, string theory is the middle theory that joins relativity and quantum physics, and that explains the major question of this universe.
The major questions that relativity and quantum physics can't explain are:
1. Gravity on the quantum scale.
2. Information paradox
3. Gravity in the black hole
4. Quantum physics can't explain cosmic objects
We need a new theory that accurately explains these questions. To explain these questions humans build many theories which also include string theory.
String theory :
String theory says that all elementary particle has some kind of vibration.
Well, the string thing explains a lot about this universe. But this theory also has some limitations like, it has many versions. String theory has multiple versions like Type I, Type IIA, Type IIB, and heterotic strings. Its explanation needs many dimensions which add complexity to its calculation.
String theory is important for humanity because it tries to explain to us the reality of nature.
What is the theory of everything?
The theory of everything is the theory that explains to us all the questions of this universe from the cosmic level to the quantum level and many other secrets after the theory of everything when understanding gravitational force a lot.
String theory Explanation:
Imagine you have a microscope that zooms small enough that we see smaller building blocks. Then according to string theory, the smallest building block of this universe is strings that vibrate at a specific frequency and each frequency represents specific elementary particles like quarks, meons, tau, etc.,String theory explanation needs dimensions. How many? So, string theory has multiple which has its unique identities but the basics are the same all theories are based on strings and vibrations but all these theories have some differences some assume 11 dimensions some assume 26 dimensions, and so on.
String theory is critical because it gives us graviton which is a particle responsible for gravity on a quantum scale also known as "Quantum Gravity" which connects quantum theory with relativity thus we have the "Theory of everything " which explains all the questions necessary for understanding the working of universe.
The particles that string theory predicted are:
1. Graviton which we explain early.
2. Supersymmtery particles: According to string theory each particle in the standard elementary model has some kind of superpartner. For example, electron superpartners are "selectron", tau superparticles are "stau" and muons superparticles are "smuons".
3. Extra bosons and fermions: String theory describes some extra fermions and boson particles. For example, axions and dilatons.
In conclusion, String theory is a theory that may be a step toward the "Theory of Everything" which gives us answers to all our questions about this universe and so on.
I hope you learn a lot about science and physics.
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This article is written by "Noel Gill".
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