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    NITROGEN IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU THINK INTRODUCTION: In this article, we discuss nitrogen its important properties, and some incidents that happened in the past with people and instruments that deal with nitrogen. So, let's start: LIQUID NITROGEN INCIDENT THAT KILLED THREE TECHNICIAN OF NASA: The First space shuttle mission was named STS-1, the first orbital mission of NASA. This mission is uniquely described in this article due to the incident in which three technicians died due to inhalation of excess nitrogen of nitrogen. IMPORTANCE OF NITROGEN: Nitrogen is a crucial element in the periodic table due to many important properties. Nitrogen is a non-toxic & colorless gas that occupies 78% of the atmosphere. HISTORY OF NITROGEN: In the past, scientists had different opinions about this gas. For example, some scientists think it was brunt air because no combination occur in the presence of this element. Some believe it is very toxic and has no life because the environment fil...

    Mysterious Things About Gravitational Force

    Mysterious Things About Gravitational Force

    Many planets revolve around the star


    Science is the best way to learn about this nature. Humans are very curious that's why humans started to learn about nature as time passed our understanding of nature increased to deal with such a huge amount of knowledge we divided them into different branches like biology, chemistry, and physics.

    Gravitational force is fundamental, so knowing about it is extremely important. That's why understanding about them is very important. So in this article, we are talking about what is gravity? And how it is the biggest mystery to scientists. This mystery is so complicated that instead of been solve it has become more complicated with time.

    Gravity According to Newton:

    Gravity was the first fundamental force known to humans by the brilliant scientist "Sir Issac Newton". He says that two objects having mass attract each other with a force known as Gravitational Force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the distance between them.

    This explains how things link together and why planets revolve around the stars? But what causes this gravitational force is still unknown. As development in science starts many mysteries are solved but this question remains the same Why gravity is present?

    This is a loophole of this theory but its power can't be ignored by this force we can explain most of the things that occur in this universe. So, this theory is very valid but in some extraordinary cases, it answers instead of helping making the answer more difficult.

    Three-Body Problem:

    The Famous one is the body problem this is very famous if you search it in any medium you will find many articles, vlogs, and information about this. In simple words, this as its name suggests relates to three bodies. It means that Newton's law of gravity is valid for only two celestial bodies, but if this law applies to third bodies, then its answers are very confusing.

    This solution is not solved yet after such technological and scientific advancements.

    This theory even though not very accurate solves many mysteries of our universe. For this theory we humans can predict many things like gravitational forces between two objects.

    Gravity According to Einstein:

    By the start of the 20th century, the era of the two most famous theories of physics were known as the "Theory of relativity" and "Quantum mechanics".

    The theory of relativity includes two theories:

    1. Special theory of relativity

    2. General Theory of relativity

    1. Special Theory of relativity:

    The Special theory of relativity deals with objects that are moving at very high speed (which is compared to the speed of light) and effects such as length contraction, time dilation, and change in mass that occurs on objects that are moving at very high speed.

    2. General Theory of relativity:

    The general theory of relativity deals with gravity and space-time curve fabrics.

    Well, according to Albert Einstein, gravity is not a force. Rather it is the bending of space-time fabric. And why does this bending of space-time occur because of huge masses?

    O! Mystery solved. Now we know the cause of gravity. But not yet completely.

    Look, Einstein is the one who explains space-time and gravity very well. Einstein discovered the fourth dimension of the universe "Time". This theory is very valid and explains a lot of things related to gravity mysteries but many mysteries are present that can't be solved.

    The mystery that is not solved by Einstein's theory of relativity is the blackhole singularity problem that is not proved by the theory of relativity. In other words, this theory does not prove how space-time bends in such tiny space. Here we need a theory of quantum gravity which is not present.

    Gravity in views of Quantum mechanics and quantum scientists:

    Quantum mechanics is very difficult but its importance can't be ignored. It is the field of science by which we can build quantum computers, quantum internet, and many more. However, this theory is not able to prove gravity or say that there is no gravity on the quantum level.

    Actually, gravity does not act on atoms, nuclei, or other objects. However, at a large scale suddenly it appears and says hello to scientists.

    Let's suppose of a ball. You study in your school that gravity acts on an object according to its mass. So if I decrease its mass up to the level of atoms then the atom has a negligible mass so a negligibly small amount of gravity acts on it. That is why it is ignoreable.

    In our previous article about Bosons, and fermions which play very important roles in nuclear and particle physics. If you need a deep understanding of them read these articles.

    Well, bosons are the particles that are responsible for all the force interaction in this universe. For example, photons are responsible for all electromagnetic interaction. Similarly, other forces also have their own particle. Now some scientists believe that in the quantum world,  the particle that carries the responsibility of all gravitational interaction is graviton (the particle of gravity) but it is still unknown why we have to wait for such particles and a lot of hope to detect them.


    So gravity has been a mystery for a century and we hope to solve this mystery soon. Because we are humans and do anything. Nothing is Impossible in this world. So, hopeful.

    Thank you for reading this article. I hope you like this article. 


    This article is written by "Noel Gill".

    Software used:

    In this article, Ahref free keyword research and Grammarly is used.


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